Task 2 (24 points).

Типы предложений

Make the sentences positive, negative or interrogative (questions). Mind the hints in brackets.

Example: 0. He likes pumpkin pies. (–) — He doesn't like pumpkin pies.

1. My family gets up after 9 a.m. at weekends. (–)


2. Your brother has lunch in the dining room. (?)


3. My mother drives to work every morning. (–)


4. Does your father clean the house? (+)


5. Do you watch films in the evening? (+)


6. Jane and Jo have their own rooms. (?)



Ответ дал: IvanMexicano


1. My family doesn't get up after 9 a.m. at weekends.

2. Does your brother have lunch in the dining room?

3. My mother doesn't drive to work every morning.

4. Does your father clean the house?

5. Do you watch films in the evening?

6. Do Jane and Jo have their own rooms?


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