the box. so wrong were let wish not Lucy Is something ¹, Phil? You look upset. Phil It's my science project. 1 2 my little brother use my computer and he deleted the file. Lucy You mean Adam deleted your science project? Phil I'm afraid 3.14 I hadn't let him use the computer. Lucy Didn't you make a copy? Phil I'm afraid 5. I've told Mr Butler. I've got until next Monday to redo it. Lucy If 16 you, I'd make Adam do it!​


Ответ дал: askarovakarina300812

Lucy Is something wrong, Phil? You look upset.

Phil It's my science project. I let my little brother use my computer and he deleted the file.

Lucy You mean Adam deleted your science project?

Phil I'm afraid so. I wish I hadn't let him use the computer.

Lucy Didn't you make a copy?

Phil I'm afraid not. I've told Mr. Butler. I've got until next Monday to redo it.

Lucy If I were you, I'd make Adam do it!

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