40 2) Fill in the blanks with e, some, any: 1. A. Do you want... sandwich?
B. Yes, I'd like ... meat sandwich.
A. Anything to drink?
B. Just ... lemon juice, please.
2. A. I'd like ... ice cream.
B... chocolate one?
A: ...ice-cream will do
B. Here is ....strawberry ice-cream.
3. A. There isn't... milk left. I'm going to the shop to buy...
B. All right. Oh. we haven't got .... cheese, either. A. Well, I'll get...​


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. A. Do you want **a** sandwich?

  B. Yes, I'd like **a** meat sandwich.

  A. Anything to drink?

  B. Just **some** lemon juice, please.

2. A. I'd like **some** ice cream.

  B. **Any** chocolate one?

  A. **Any** ice-cream will do.

  B. Here is **a** strawberry ice-cream.

3. A. There isn't **any** milk left. I'm going to the shop to buy **some**.

  B. All right. Oh, we haven't got **any** cheese, either.

  A. Well, I'll get **some**.

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