B. Listen to a man being interviewed for a job. Which of the points below does he refer to?) 1 17 1. the reason he left his last job 2. previous work experience 3. whether he works well in a team 4. whether he is prepared to travel 5. where he sees himself five years from now 6. his weaknesses ations 7. how much money he expects to make 8. the reason he wants to work for this company 9. the languages he speaks 10.the last work-related event he attended 11. when he is available to start​


Ответ дал: makvmak2010

the reason he left his last job - Possible, as this is often a common question in interviews.

previous work experience - Likely, as employers often inquire about an applicant's work history.

whether he works well in a team - Likely, as teamwork is a crucial aspect of many jobs.

whether he is prepared to travel - Possible, depending on the job requirements.

where he sees himself five years from now - Possible, as employers might want to assess long-term commitment.

his weaknesses - Possible, as interviewers often ask about strengths and weaknesses.

how much money he expects to make - Possible, especially if salary expectations are discussed.

the reason he wants to work for this company - Likely, as employers want to know an applicant's motivation.

the languages he speaks - Possible, especially if language skills are relevant to the job.

the last work-related event he attended - Possible, as it may showcase ongoing professional development.

when he is available to start - Likely, as this is important for employers planning their staffing.

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