3 Choose the correct form of the verbs. ¹ I sit / I'm sitting on the bus with my friends. 2 We go / We're going to the match in London. Our team 3 plays / is playing in the final this afternoon, so we're very excited. Our team 4 doesn't play / isn't playing in the final very often, but this season 5 they play/ they're playing really well. 6 I believe/I'm believing they can win. After the match' we have / we're having dinner in London. 8 I want/I'm wanting to go to a restaurant near the stadium but they get / they're getting very busy on match days, so 10 we eat / we're eating at a place in another part of the city.​


Ответ дал: Sv2324



I am sitting on the bus with my friends.

We are going to the match in London.

Our team is playing in the final this afternoon, so we're very excited.

Our team doesn't play in the final very often, but this season isn't playing really well.

This season, they are playing really well.

I believe they can win.

After the match, we are having dinner in London.

I want to go to a restaurant near the stadium, but they get very busy on match days, so

We eat at a place in another part of the city.

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