Task 2 Put the words and phrases in order to make sentences. 1. wonderful time is certainly Christmas for retailers. the most 2. for the period. decorate People Christmas their houses 3. are usually Day. Shops on Boxing 4. bed early. Eve is Christmas a night 5. Christmas carols do a Christmas theatre At school, concert. children often 6. time with the people open to go to for kids of the year performance or sing in a having fun Christmas is and spending you love. a time for​


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. Christmas is certainly the most wonderful time for retailers.

2. People decorate their houses for Christmas during the period.

3. Shops are usually open on Boxing Day.

4. Christmas Eve is a night to bed early.

5. At school, children often do a Christmas concert, singing Christmas carols or performing in a theatre.

6. Christmas is a time for having fun and spending time with the people you love, open to kids of the year for a performance or sing in a concert.

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