Дам 15 балов! Circle the correct words. 1. The car was completely destroyed / attacked in the crash, but luckily everyone rescued / survived. 2. We were shocked / shocking when we heard that a fire had broken / put out in our neighbourhood. 3. Can you bring some trunk / wood over here? I want to light a fire. I think the degree / temperature is dropping. 4. The earthquake was very strong and as a result / as well as lots of buildings drowned / collapsed. 5. Jake got on the motorbike behind his father and held / handed on tight. 6. We were walking quietly through the forest, trying not to warn / disturb the birds. Suddenly, Vicky made noise and scared / flew them away. 7. When I went rock climbing last week, I nearly fell off a cliff / an edge. It was a frightened / frightening experience​


Ответ дал: kkkrt27
1. The car was completely **destroyed** in the crash, but luckily everyone **survived**.

2. We were **shocked** when we heard that a fire had **broken out** in our neighborhood.

3. Can you bring some **wood** over here? I want to light a fire. I think the **temperature** is dropping.

4. The earthquake was very strong, and **as a result**, lots of buildings **collapsed**.

5. Jake got on the motorbike behind his father and **held on** tight.

6. We were walking quietly through the forest, trying not to **disturb** the birds. Suddenly, Vicky made **noise** and **scared** them away.

7. When I went rock climbing last week, I nearly fell off **an edge**. It was a **frightening** experience.

xachapyri93: спасибо❤
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