What do you spend a lot of money on: clothes, books, food, gadgets ?


Ответ дал: anastasiiafox


Если это сочинение, то наверное, так:

Nowadays we live in a consumer society. Shopping has become an addiction especially for people, who are keen on fashion. As a result, costs of the popular products have increased.

If you ask me, I spend a lot of money on food and clothes, even though I try not to waste much. The bakery, milk products and meat, which are important for a human body, cost much. There are also vegetarian meals, but sometimes they cost even much more than common food.

Consumer society needs more and more goods for a comfortable living. That's the way how fashion has become a monster of our planet. Let's take a look at the coats. Surely, there is no reason to buy a coat, when the weather in the country is always warm, but what about the opposite side? In countries, where winters are cold, people need a good coat to keep warm. The problem is, that a real coat is made of animal's fur and each of 4 billions can't have one. So the fur coats become more expensive and rare, because of their quality.

These are the things I spent a lot of my money on.

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