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A lot of people nowadays are trying to change their lifestyles. They say they would rather
have a healthy way of life, which means no bad habits, a lot of fruit and vegetables in your
fridge, enough sleep and at least some physical exercise . You can’t agree more. Bad habits influence our lives. Smoking, drinking alcohol,
taking drugs are the worst ones. It’s common knowledge that they can shorten our lives
dramatically. Smoking is very dangerous. It leads to a number of heart and lung diseases , makes your teeth yellow and
your looks unhealthy. Drugs tend to lead drug users to early deaths.
Fortunately, smoking, drinking and taking drugs have lately received a lot of bad publicity.
One can say that fewer people smoke these days. Some companies do not take on people
who are smokers . Smoking is not allowed in most public places because, as everyone agrees, it does a
lot of harm to our health.
The majority of people these days spend most of the time sitting. They sit in cars
on their way to work, they sit in front of the computers in their classrooms and offices , they sit again at home watching TV . People choose passive entertainments (movies or video games, for instance)
rather than active ones (ice-skating, skiing, playing volleyball). And most things we do at
home that once used to depend on physical labour have become largely automated. Nowadays
we just press buttons or ask others to do work for us . All this is very harmful to our hearts. People should
spend more time in fitness centres, gyms, swimming pools or just walking in woods or parks.
And no more excuses! It’s time to understand that health is better than wealth .


Ответ дал: Sv2324


Перший варіант

Many now aim for a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the avoidance of bad habits, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, sufficient sleep, and some exercise. Bad habits, especially smoking, drinking, and drug use, significantly impact health and can drastically reduce lifespan. Smoking, in particular, leads to heart and lung diseases, yellow teeth, and an unhealthy appearance. The negative consequences of smoking, drinking, and drug use have gained widespread attention, resulting in fewer people smoking. Some companies even refuse to hire smokers due to the recognized harm to health.

Modern lifestyles often involve prolonged periods of sitting, whether in cars, at computers in classrooms and offices, or at home watching TV. Passive entertainments, like movies and video games, are favored over active pursuits such as ice-skating or playing volleyball. Many household tasks, once requiring physical effort, are now automated, contributing to a sedentary lifestyle that harms the heart. Encouragingly, spending more time in fitness centers, gyms, swimming pools, or enjoying outdoor activities can counteract these negative effects. It's time to prioritize health over excuses, acknowledging that health is more valuable than wealth.

другий варіант ( більш стислий )

People today strive for healthier lives, avoiding bad habits, embracing a diet rich in fruits and veggies, ensuring enough sleep, and incorporating some exercise. Smoking, drinking, and drugs are widely known to dramatically shorten lives. Smoking, specifically, causes heart and lung diseases, yellow teeth, and an unhealthy appearance. Negative publicity has reduced smoking, even leading some companies to reject smokers. The modern sedentary lifestyle, prevalent in cars, classrooms, offices, and homes, emphasizes passive entertainment over active pursuits. Automation has replaced physical labor at home, contributing to heart issues. Prioritizing fitness centers, gyms, and outdoor activities is crucial. It's time to prioritize health over excuses, realizing health is wealth.


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