Fill in the gaps using the correct prepositions.

1. A Production Manager oversees the daily operations within an organization and works immediately ( ) the CEO in a company's organizational structure.

2. As a top manager, the CEO reports directly ( ) the chairman.

3. Competition ( ) the job was fierce.

4. The type of organisational structure is mainly dependent ( )
on the size of the company and the way it operates.

5. Virtual structures are collaborative and created to respond ( )
a market opportunity.

6. If a manufacturing company has a functional structure, the work will be divided ( )
production, purchasing, marketing, finance and human resources.


Ответ дал: Sv2324


A Production Manager oversees the daily operations within an organization and works immediately under the CEO in a company's organizational structure.

As a top manager, the CEO reports directly to the chairman.

Competition for the job was fierce.

The type of organizational structure is mainly dependent on the size of the company and the way it operates.

Virtual structures are collaborative and created to respond to a market opportunity.

If a manufacturing company has a functional structure, the work will be divided among production, purchasing, marketing, finance, and human resources.


Ответ дал: angelihasuk
1. A Production Manager oversees the daily operations within an organization and works immediately *under* the CEO in a company's organizational structure.

2. As a top manager, the CEO reports directly *to* the chairman.

3. Competition *for* the job was fierce.

4. The type of organisational structure is mainly dependent *on* the size of the company and the way it operates.

5. Virtual structures are collaborative and created to respond *to* a market opportunity.

6. If a manufacturing company has a functional structure, the work will be divided *among* production, purchasing, marketing, finance, and human resources.
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