Choose correct 1 They are listening to their music. active voice passive voice 2. Bingo is played in Britain. active voice passivr voice 3. The bus driver was hurt. active voice passive voice 4. A letter was written. active voice passive voice 5. French is spoken in Algeria. active voice passive voice 6. The passenger wore his seatbelt. active voice passive voice 7. A new airport has been built in the city. active voice passive voice 8. All flights to Scotland will be cancelled tomorrow. active voice passive voice 9. We were given our boarding passes at the check-in desk. active voice passive voice 10. The flight attendant has made a mistake with my change. active voice passive voice


Ответ дал: taniusha945


1. Active voice: They are listening to their music.

2. Passive voice: Bingo is played in Britain.

3. Passive voice: The bus driver was hurt.

4. Passive voice: A letter was written.

5. Passive voice: French is spoken in Algeria.

6. Active voice: The passenger wore his seatbelt.

7. Passive voice: A new airport has been built in the city.

8. Passive voice: All flights to Scotland will be cancelled tomorrow.

9. Passive voice: We were given our boarding passes at the check-in desk.

10. Passive voice: The flight attendant has made a mistake with my change.

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