Помогите! СРОЧНО!
1. Complete the sentecnes with the word combinations
Example: The prridge is ready. Sit down at the table and ... . - Sit down at the table and enjou your breakfast.
1. I think a box of weets will be a nice birthday present for your little brothers. The both ______________.
2. Halen, what are you doing in the kitchen? - I'm going to ____________ _________________.
3. Alice, could you help me to _________ ___________, please? - Cerainy,Mum. I'll put the plates and glasses on the table.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. I think a box of sweets will be a nice birthday present for your little brothers. They both will be very glad.
2. Helen, what are you doing in the kitchen? - I'm going to have dinner.
3. Alice, could you help me lay the table, please? - Cerainy,Mum. I'll put the plates and glasses on the table.

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