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1 Infinitive or Gerund?
1. Paula has given up (smoke).
a) to smoke b) smoking c) smoke
2. I promised (come) in time.
a) to come b) come c) coming
3. Let me (carry) your bag.
a) to carry b) carrying c) carry
4. I don't enjoy (dance) very much.
a) dancing b) dance c) danced
5. He is very good at (learn)
... languages.
a) to learn b) learn c) learning
6. He is used (live) ... alone.
a) to live b) to living c) lived
7. It is no use (worry) ... about it.
a) worrying b) to worry c) worry
8. The coat is dirty. It needs (clean)
a) to clean b) cleaning c) clean
9. The girl began (cry) ... at night.
a) to cry b) crying c) cried
10. They translate a story into English without (use)… a dictionary
a) to use b) using c) use


Ответ дал: oxwoey


Paula has given up smoking.

b) smoking

I promised to come in time.

a) to come

Let me carry your bag.

a) to carry

I don't enjoy dancing very much.

a) dancing

He is very good at learning languages.

c) learning

He is used to living alone.

b) to living

It is no use worrying about it.

a) worrying

The coat is dirty. It needs cleaning.

b) cleaning

The girl began to cry at night.

a) to cry

They translate a story into English without using a dictionary.

b) using

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