Write sentences about what you want to do when you're older. Use the words in the boxes and your own ideas. drive across ski down climb up cycle across jump out of walk under 1 Africa the United States the Caspian Sea Khan Tengri a plane Mount Fuji the Sahara Desert a big waterfall Australia When I'm older. I want to drive across the United States. 3​


Ответ дал: 500boxesbs


When I'm older, I aspire to cycle across Australia, feeling the wind in my hair as I explore the vast and diverse landscapes. I dream of skiing down the slopes of Mount Fuji, experiencing the thrill of descending from its majestic peak. Another adventure on my list is to climb up Khan Tengri, conquering the challenge of reaching one of the highest peaks in the world.

I also envision walking under the scorching sun in the Sahara Desert, surrounded by endless dunes and witnessing the beauty of this arid expanse. A daring goal is to jump out of a plane, embracing the exhilaration of free-falling before the parachute opens, providing a breathtaking view of the earth below.

One of my ultimate dreams is to drive across Africa, immersing myself in the rich cultures and diverse landscapes that the continent has to offer. Lastly, I fantasize about standing at the edge of a big waterfall, feeling the mist on my face, as I appreciate the sheer force and beauty of nature, perhaps at the mesmerizing Caspian Sea.

In summary, as I grow older, my aspirations involve embarking on thrilling journeys, exploring different parts of the world, and embracing the wonders of nature and adventure.


berdibekznibekly: ...
fazylovf00: 1. When I'm older, I want to cycle across Australia.
2. I dream of skiing down the slopes of Mount Fuji.
3. It's a goal to climb up Khan Tengri and experience its breathtaking views.
4. I aspire to jump out of a plane and skydive over the Caspian Sea.
5. Exploring the Sahara Desert is on my bucket list, and I'd love to walk under the vast desert sky.
6. One day, I hope to drive across Africa and witness its diverse landscapes and cultures.
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