1 It's... most useful channel. a) a b) the c) - 2 It's her... most important achievement. a) b) the c) a 3 It's his ... strongest point. a) the b) a c) - 4 It's... best channel. a) a b) the c) - 5 It's... most expensive car. a) a b) the c) - 6 I think you are... happiest person in the world. a) the b) a c) - 7 It's their ... most popular song. a) the b) a c)- 8 It's... biggest threat for us. a) a b) the c)- 9 a)- b) the c) a 10 It's... worst scenario. a) a b)-c) the It's our... greatest result. a) a b) - c) the 12 I hope we'll meet next ... week. a) - b) the c) a 13 I remembered about it only at ... midnight. a) a b) the c) - 14 I have ... advice for you. a) an b) the c) some 15 It happened last... century. a) - b) the c) a 16 I was busy all... day. a) the b) c) a 17 He was there all ... night. a) b) the c) a 18 It will take place next ... month. a) the b) a c) - 19 She got up at ... noon. a) a b)-c) the 20 They met at ... night. a) the b) a c) -​


Ответ дал: eazywork


It's the most useful channel.

It's her most important achievement.

It's his strongest point.

It's the best channel.

It's the most expensive car.

I think you are the happiest person in the world.

It's their most popular song.

It's the biggest threat for us.

It's a.

It's the worst scenario.

It's our greatest result.

I hope we'll meet next week.

I remembered about it only at midnight.

I have some advice for you.

It happened last century.

I was busy all day.

He was there all night.

It will take place next month.

She got up at noon.

They met at night.

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