

Ответ дал: kk1613673
THIS SUMMER the royal palace is open to the public for the first time with exhibitions of paintings from across the centuries. There is also a private **1. gallery** in the city with paintings for sale.
FOR LOVERS of architecture, head to the **2. old town** with its interesting mix of historic buildings. **3. Outside** in the east of the city, is the site of the old Jewish district. It also has a number of beautiful churches and the city **4. walls**.
TAKE A TRIP **5. out** to the Roman **6. ruins**, and learn about some of the first people to live in the area. Local archaeologists give talks at the weekends.
CHECK OUT SkyFlyer, the tallest roller coaster in the country, at the new **7. theme park**. It's 8 minutes **8. away from** the city, but it's well worth the trip.
ENJOY the **9. nightlife** - there are lots of bars and restaurants, and it's always very lively.
For a MORE RELAXING time, take a boat out on the **10. lake**... Swimming isn't allowed, but you can enjoy a picnic down **11. by** the water.
IF MONEY IS A BIT TIGHT, join a free walking tour. Local residents act as guides and give an insider view of the city. All tours start **12. inside** the city under the clock tower.
DON'T MISS the market on Fridays and Saturdays with **13. stalls** all **14. along** the High Street. You'll find everything from cheap and tasty snacks to local goods.
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