Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. Use your copybook. Rewrite 1. Companies invest money in new technologies. 2. She donated money to the charity last month. 3. The government is allocating funds for education. 4. They have earned a lot of money through their business. 5. Many people use credit cards to pay for purchases. 6. The company will launch a new product and spend a lot of money on marketing. 7. People should save money for their future needs. 8. Investors are putting money into this project. 9. She received a large sum of money as a scholarship. 10. The event organizers raised money for the local community.​


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac
  1. Money is invested in new technologies by companies.
  2. Money was donated to the charity by her last month.
  3. Funds are being allocated for education by the government.
  4. A lot of money has been earned through their business.
  5. Credit cards are used to pay for purchases by many people.
  6. A new product will be launched and a lot of money will be spent on marketing by the company.
  7. Money should be saved for their future needs by people.
  8. Money is being put into this project by investors.
  9. A large sum of money was received as a scholarship by her.
  10. Money was raised for the local community by the event organizers.​
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