1 Merlin was a very good magician .....
2 Powerful men trusted Merlin's advice
3 The magician was born in a place called "Emrys" ....
4 Merlin was always tired because of his magic. .....
5 The Lady of the Lake became a better magician than Merlin. ......
6 The Lady of the Lake locked Merlin in a tower by the lake. ......
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Ответ дал: WisH5910

Merlin was a very good magician. There is no doubt that Merlin was a highly skilled and powerful magician in Arthurian legends. He is often depicted as one of the greatest sorcerers in literature and folklore.

Powerful men trusted Merlin's advice. Yes, Merlin was known for his wisdom and counsel, and many powerful figures sought his advice. In Arthurian legends, King Arthur himself trusted Merlin and often relied on his guidance.

Merlin was born in a place called "Emrys." According to some sources, Merlin is associated with the name "Emrys." In the Druid community, he is known as Emrys, which adds to his reputation and allies  .

Merlin was always tired because of his magic. There is no specific mention in the Arthurian legends that Merlin was always tired because of his magic. However, it is worth noting that Merlin's magical abilities were vast and required great concentration and energy to use.

The Lady of the Lake became a better magician than Merlin. There is no definitive information in the Arthurian legends that suggests the Lady of the Lake became a better magician than Merlin. Both characters possess powerful magical abilities, but their skills and roles differ. The Lady of the Lake is often associated with granting Excalibur to King Arthur, while Merlin is known for his prophetic abilities and counsel.

The Lady of the Lake locked Merlin in a tower by the lake. There is no mention in the Arthurian legends of the Lady of the Lake locking Merlin in a tower by the lake. Their relationship is often depicted as one of mutual respect and collaboration, rather than one of imprisonment.

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