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I speak English/ She............French.

a) speaking  b)
do speak c) speaks  d) is speaking

2. Where............now?

a) lives he   b)
is he living  c) he is living  d) he living

3. Where............yesterday?
I was at home.

a) you were  b)
you was  c) you  d) were you

4. Why not to go to the
British Museum? I............there

a) go   b) went  c) gone  
d) going

5. I............to India.

a) have never been  
b) been have never  c) have
never  d) never been

6. Richard............the

a) already bought   
b) has already buy  c) has already
bought     d) buys

7. Henry............to a girl
when I saw him.

a) talk   b)
talking  c) will talk   d) was talking

8.."..........Romeo and
Juliet?" "Yes, I saw it on Wednesday?"

a) Did you seen  
b) Have you seen  c) Will you
see  d) Do you see


Ответ дал: nnatah
1c 2b 3d 4b 5a 6c 7d 8b

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