Choose the right tenses (Present Perfect, Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Present or Past Perfect Progres-sive).

Помогите пожалуйста.

1. 1 suddenly realized that I (think) about Simon all after- noon. 2. After Sandy (finish) breakfast she phone calls. 3. The accident (happen) while we (make) some (drive). to Norway. 4. I know Lucy fairly well. I 5. Ricky (meet) in Canada. 6. Dolly 7. Hardly (know) her for years. (love) Kate passionately since they first (take) riding lessons for a year or so and then she (give) them up. (he, do) an enormous amount of work when his friend (offer) him to help. 8. Sandy (be) to Africa several times this year. It's only June now. 9. John (always, want) to go to Australia, but he (never, manage) to get there. 10. Tracy (wait) until I (finish) my work. 11. They (go) two miles before it (begin) to rain. 12. Where have you been? I (wait) for you since five o'clock. 13. The phone (ring) while Robert (have) a bath. 14. This is the last time I (ask) you that question. 15. I wondered why Tom (not, write) a letter for so long. 16. 1 (live) in France for a year, but then I (move) to England. 17. Last week my next-door neighbour (go) to a corner shop to buy a bar of chocolate. 18. I would be sorry to lose touch with Martha; we (know) each other since we were babies. 19. 1 (try) to phone you at the office but they said you (leave). 20. Celia was extravagant. She (always, buy) stylish clothes.


Ответ дал: Аноним


1. I suddenly realized that I **had been thinking** about Simon all afternoon.

2. After Sandy **finished** breakfast, she **made** phone calls.

3. The accident **happened** while we **were making** some drive to Norway.

4. I know Lucy fairly well. I **met** Ricky in Canada.

5. Dolly **had loved** Kate passionately since they first **took** riding lessons for a year or so, and then she **gave** them up.

6. He **had done** an enormous amount of work when his friend **offered** to help.

7. Sandy **has been** to Africa several times this year. It's only June now.

8. John **has always wanted** to go to Australia, but he **has never managed** to get there.

9. Tracy **will wait** until I **finish** my work.

10. They **had gone** two miles before it **began** to rain.

11. Where have you been? I **have been waiting** for you since five o'clock.

12. The phone **rang** while Robert **was having** a bath.

13. This is the last time I **will ask** you that question.

14. I wondered why Tom **had not written** a letter for so long.

15. I **lived** in France for a year, but then I **moved** to England.

16. Last week my next-door neighbour **went** to a corner shop to buy a bar of chocolate.

17. I would be sorry to lose touch with Martha; we **have known** each other since we were babies.

18. I **tried** to phone you at the office, but they said you **had left**.

19. Celia was extravagant. She **always bought** stylish clothes.

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