You are going to watch a video about brothers and sisters. Match words 1-6 with definitions a-f. 1 siblings 2 stepsibling 3 half-sibling 4 twins 5 triplets 6 an only child a two children born at the same time (to one mother) b someone with no brothers or sisters c three children born at the same time (to one mother) d a formal word for your brothers or sisters e a child of your stepparent f a child of your parent with another person​


Ответ дал: annaivantsiv2010


1. siblings - d, a formal word for your brothers or sisters

2. stepsibling - e, a child of your stepparent

3. half-sibling - f, a child of your parent with another person

4. twins - a, two children born at the same time (to one mother)

5. triplets - c, three children born at the same time (to one mother)

6. an only child - b, someone with no brothers or sisters


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