B. Choose a or b
1. This bag doesn't have a _ on it. How much is it?
a. cost; b. price

2. Did you _ to Mark for breaking his mobile?
a. discuss; b. apologise

3. Every Saturday, I go for my _ walk in the forest
a. weekly; b. monthly

4. Could you get me a _ so I can cut this bread?
a. fork; b. knife

5. Put the butter in the saucepan and _ it until it melts
a. cool; b. heat

6. How do dolphins _ with each other?
a. communicate; b. stare​


Ответ дал: lazor753

1 - price (b)

2 - apologise (b)

3 - weekly (a)

4 - knife (b)

5 - heat (b)

6 - communicate (a)

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