1. Where is Margaret? She ... be at school. Her classes begin at 8:30.
a) must b) mustn’t c) may
2. Take an umbrella, it ... rain in the afternoon.
a) can’t b) may c) must
3.They usually … to Spain in summer.
a) goes b) go c) are going d) went
4. Listen! She … very well.
a) sing b) sings c) is singing d) sang
5. I … that dress last year.
a)have bought b) buyed c) was bought d) bought
6. I … the shopping yet.
a) haven't done b) hasn't done c) didn't do d) wasn't done
7. It’s important to eat vitamins, _________________?
a) isn`t he? b) isn`t it? c) aren`t they?
8. Lucy has to train a lot, ______________________?
a) isn`t she? b) doesn`t she? c) hasn`t she?
9. My friend had a headache yesterday, ________________?
a) didn`t he? b) didn`t she? c) both variants
10. Bill mixed the egg, sugar, milk and shortening in a large bowl,___________?
a) hadn`t he? b) doesn`t he? c) didn`t he?


Ответ дал: eazywork


Where is Margaret? She must be at school. Her classes begin at 8:30.

Take an umbrella, it may rain in the afternoon.

They usually go to Spain in summer.

Listen! She sings very well.

I bought that dress last year.

I haven't done the shopping yet.

It’s important to eat vitamins, isn't it?

Lucy has to train a lot, doesn't she?

My friend had a headache yesterday, didn't he?

Bill mixed the egg, sugar, milk, and shortening in a large bowl, didn't he?

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