Exercise 2. Find the correct pronouns for the given nouns and write them into the gaps. 1. my father- 6. the men 7. Paul 2. the cats 8. the tree 3. a rabbit 4. the stars 9. my sister →→→ 5. the sea 10. Sophie ->​


Ответ дал: stighor

Ответ: Find the correct pronouns for the given nouns and write them into the gaps. Personal pronouns / Личные местоимения.

1. my father- he (мой отец)  

2. the cats - they (кошки)

3. a rabbit - it (кролик)

4. the stars - they (звёзды)

5. the sea - it (море)

6. the men - they (мужчины)

7. Paul - he (Павел)

8. the tree - it (дерево)

9. my sister - she (моя сестра)

10. Sophie - she (Софи)


*Далее в таблице


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