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There is a lot of information in our world. And there are many people who want to share this information. Mass media is the way how people share this information. There are a lot of kinds of mass media: internet, television, newspapers, magazines, books etc. I want tell you about the greatest source of mass media. It is internet. I think that this is really the greatest thing that people have ever created. There are thousands of sites where people can find useful information. But we use it not only for information. We can find a lot of friends there. We can communicate with them. We can make calls with help of internet. But from another point of view it is rather dangerous. There are many spies and viruses there. So they can damage your computer or steal the information from it. Television is a great source of information. The first movie was made by Lumiere brothers in 1896. Television appeared later but after the World War II it became very popular and nowadays, I think, you won't find people who don't know what TV is. You will find TV sets almost in every house. Television is a source of information and entertainment. People watch TV to find the answers or just to relax. Many things are broadcasted on TV. You may watch the news or a good film. Using a satellite aerial you can join a lot of channels. You can learn foreign languages, because the channels are in different languages. You can find everything you want. There are special channels for children and adult, music and news channels. As it was counted an average person watches TV 3-7 hours a day. It varies in different countries, but you can see how popular television is. Newspapers are rather spread in Ukraine too. There are a lot of kinds of newspapers and magazines. You can find a lot of useful information there too. We can also find a lot of interesting information using our mobile phone. So, nowadays, mass media is very popular among people.
I Mark the sentences True (+) or False (-)
1. There is a lot of information in our world.
2. There are many people who want to share this information.
3. Mass media is the way how people share this information.
4. The greatest source of mass media is internet.
5. There are hundreds of sites where people can find useful information.
6. We use Internet for information.
7. We can find friends online.
8. I think that this is really a dangerous thing that people created.
9. It is safe online.
10.Viruses can damage your computer.
11. Television is not popular nowadays.
12.The first movie was made by Lumiere brothers in 1898.
II Match the sentences
1. After the World War II
television …
2. I think, you won't find people ..
3. You will find TV sets …
4. Television is a source of
information …
5. People watch TV to find …
6. Many things are …
7. You may watch the news …
8. Using a satellite aerial you
can join …
9. You can learn foreign
languages, because …
10. You can find everything …
11. There are special channels for
children …
12. As it was counted an average
person watches …
13. Newspapers are rather …
a) almost in every house.
b) became very popular.
c) the answers or just to relax.
d) or a good film.
e) the channels are in different
f) you want.
g) and adult, music and news
h) who don't know what TV is.
i) spread in Ukraine too.
j) of newspapers and
k) using our mobile phone.
l) and entertainment.
m) broadcasted on TV.
n) a lot of channels.
o) TV 3-7 hours a day. Сделайте завдання . Даю 35 балов


Ответ дал: rusgopnik77


I'll mark the sentences first:

1. True

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False

10. True

11. False

12. False

Now, let's match the sentences:

1. b) became very popular.

2. h) who don't know what TV is.

3. a) almost in every house.

4. l) and entertainment.

5. c) the answers or just to relax.

6. m) broadcasted on TV.

7. d) or a good film.

8. n) a lot of channels.

9. e) the channels are in different languages.

10. f) you want.

11. g) and adult, music and news channels.

12. o) TV 3-7 hours a day.

13. i) spread in Ukraine too.


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