Test “Magic box” I. Translate the words into Ukrainian:(3 бали) A network, to connect, to download, native, to avoid, commercial, a channel, cartoon II. Finish the sentences using words who, where, which, whose, why, when: (6 балів) 1. This is the bank … was robbed yesterday 2. A boy … sister is in my class was in the back at that time 3. A greengrocer's is a shop … you can buy vegetables. 4. The man … robbed the bank had two pistols. 5. This is the church … Sue and Peter got married. 6. The woman … gave him the money was young. 7. This is the station … Emily met James. 8. 25 December is the day … children in the UK get their Christmas presents. 9. The bag … contained the money was yellow. III. Tell what you think about television in modern world (5-7 sentences)


Ответ дал: eazywork


I. Translate the words into Ukrainian:

  1. A network - мережа
  2. To connect - з'єднувати
  3. To download - завантажувати
  4. Native - рідний
  5. To avoid - уникати
  6. Commercial - реклама
  7. A channel - канал
  8. Cartoon - мультфільм

II. Finish the sentences using words who, where, which, whose, why, when:

  1. This is the bank that was robbed yesterday.
  2. A boy whose sister is in my class was in the back at that time.
  3. A greengrocer's is a shop where you can buy vegetables.
  4. The man who robbed the bank had two pistols.
  5. This is the church where Sue and Peter got married.
  6. The woman who gave him the money was young.
  7. This is the station where Emily met James.
  8. 25 December is the day when children in the UK get their Christmas presents.
  9. The bag that contained the money was yellow.

III. Television in the modern world has become an integral part of our daily lives. It serves as a powerful medium of communication and entertainment. On one hand, television provides us with a wide range of information and knowledge through news programs, documentaries, and educational content. It allows us to stay updated on current events and explore various topics of interest.

On the other hand, television also offers a diverse array of entertainment options, including movies, TV series, and sports events. It can be a source of relaxation and leisure, providing an escape from daily routines. However, it is important to strike a balance and not let excessive television consumption interfere with other important aspects of life, such as personal relationships, physical activity, and productivity.

Moreover, television has the ability to shape public opinion and influence societal norms. It has the power to raise awareness about social issues and bring about positive change. However, it is crucial to critically analyze and evaluate the content we consume, as not all television programming may be accurate or beneficial.

In conclusion, television has both advantages and disadvantages in the modern world. It offers a wealth of information, entertainment, and cultural experiences. However, it is essential to consume television content mindfully and in moderation to fully harness its benefits while avoiding potential negative impacts.

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