помогите пожалуйста с 4 ,5



Ответ дал: tobiy



В пятом выделил звёздочками


1. confident
2. disappointed
3. jealous
4. relaxing
5. annoyed
6. cheerful
7. exciting
8. helpful

**Correct Options:**

Near our town there's a famous old house where some rich people lived about two hundred years **ago**. Last weekend my mum said, "**How about** going to visit that house?' And we **went**. I brought a friend of **mine** with us. We **went** by bus and my mum **paid** for us all to go in. I didn't really want to go at first because I'm usually **bored** by museums and things. But when we got there, I thought it was **amazing**. The house has got about sixty rooms, and they were really **interesting**. There was an enormous **sofa**-I'm sure twenty people could sit on it! The windows were really big with beautiful **curtains** on them. My dad **took** a photograph in one of the rooms, but a man working there got **annoyed**.

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