СРОЧНО!!!!! Дам 100балів
Do the writing task. Use the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS and the LANGUAGE FOCUS to help you and use 6 linking words.
Write a story about trying a new sport or activity for the first time and:
1)use the first sentence and title to catch the reader's attention
2)set the scene and mention the characters involved in the story
3)use a range of narrative tenses to tell the story
4)finish the story with something exciting, funny or unexpected​


Ответ дал: pribinki


Title: "Leap of Faith"

It was a crisp autumn morning when I decided to take a leap of faith and try rock climbing for the first time. The sheer rock face towered above me, and a mix of excitement and nervousness churned in my stomach. With chalked hands and a determined heart, I embarked on this adventure.

Setting the scene at the foot of the climbing wall, I met Sarah, an experienced climber who would be my guide. Her encouraging smile eased my apprehensions. As we began our ascent, the gritty texture of the rock beneath my fingertips sent shivers down my spine.

As I clung to the wall, my mind raced through a montage of past experiences – the thrill of reaching new heights and the challenge of conquering fears. Sarah's anecdotes about her own climbing escapades added a layer of inspiration to my journey.

Linking words such as "meanwhile," "subsequently," and "eventually" wove a seamless narrative, transitioning through moments of doubt, determination, and triumph. Each foothold and handhold became a punctuation mark in the unfolding story of my ascent.

Just when I thought I had mastered the climb, a sudden gust of wind intensified the challenge. Battling against the elements, I pressed on. The climax arrived as I reached the summit, a breathtaking vista unfolding before me. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming, and the experience left me craving more daring adventures.

In a surprising twist, as I descended, Sarah revealed that she had captured my entire ascent on camera. The laughter that followed echoed off the rocky walls, creating a memorable ending to my initiation into rock climbing.

As I reflect on that day, I realize that trying a new sport not only tested my physical abilities but also opened a door to unexpected friendships and unforgettable moments. The thrill of embracing the unknown has become a defining chapter in the story of my life.

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