3 предложения на much, many, a lot of, plenty of, few, little, some, any, no, every
каждому слову 1 положительное 1 отрицательное и 1 вопросительный​


Ответ дал: obduloh2


How many children are in your class?How much time does it take you to get to school?I need many chairs for the party.I don't care how much paper I waste.Not many years have passed since I saw you.There are so many streets in this city.I have got a lot of dogs. I haven't got a lot of cars. Are you have got a lot of apples?We've got plenty of time before we need to leave for the airport.We haven't got plenty of tea at home. Have we got plenty of juice at home?I can share some books. Can you share some information? I can't share some apps because they are mine.I don't have any apples.


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