D Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
1 I'm going to bake a cake,' said Mum. she Mum said
2 Richard has passed his driving test,' Andy said. passed Andy said
3 'We're staying in tonight to watch TV,' Jim said. that Jim said they.
4 "I'm thinking of going on a diet,' said George. he George said to bake a cake.
6 I went snowboarding last year,' Jill said. year Jill said she
7 I'll call you tomorrow,' Karl said to me. next Karl said he
8 We're flying home next week,' said Arthur. the Arthur said they his driving test. to watch TV.
5 'My sister lived in Russia for a year,' Carol said. lived Carol said of going on a diet. in Russia for a year. before. day. week.​


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