Define the types of the sentences (time, purpose, or result) and choose the suitable words to complete them.

1)A: Are you going out tonight?

B: Yes, I’m going to visit Mark behind / after I finish the dinner.

Type: ________________

2)The film is so / such boring that I’m falling asleep.

Type: ________________

3)They ran as fast as they could in order that / so as not to miss the bus.

Type: ________________

I’m going to buy you something special where / when I get paid.

Type: ________________

4)She went outside to / so as get some fresh air.

Type: ________________


Ответ дал: vannavanga
1)A: Are you going out tonight?

B: Yes, I’m going to visit Mark after I finish the dinner.

Type: Purpose

2)The film is so boring that I’m falling asleep.

Type: Result

3)They ran as fast as they could in order not to miss the bus.

Type: Purpose

I’m going to buy you something special when I get paid.

Type: Time

4)She went outside to get some fresh air.

Type: Purpose
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