Заповни пропуски, використовуючи подані в дужках іменники в пра- вильній формі.
1) This... is new. Those are old. (a car)
2) These are brown. That is red. (a puppy)
3) That is short. These are long. (a stick)
4) This... is clean. Those are dirty. (a bench)
5) Those ... are light. That is dark. (a room)
6) These are.... Those are.... (a pen, a pencil) 7) This is a black ... . That is a pink (a dress)
8) These are yellow.... Those are green (an apple) ...
9) This is my mother's.... Those are my sister's ... . (a bag)
10) These are interesting.... That is a dull ... . (a book)
11) These are hard-working ... . That is a lazy. (a student). ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ОТДАМ 50 БАЛЛОВ


Ответ дал: sav7zme


1) This car is new. Those are old.

2) These puppies are brown. That puppy is red.

3) That stick is short. These sticks are long.

4) This bench is clean. Those benches are dirty.

5) Those rooms are light. That room is dark.

6) These pens are blue. Those pencils are yellow.

7) This is a black dress. That is a pink dress.

8) These apples are yellow. Those apples are green.

9) This bag is my mother's. Those bags are my sister's.

10) These books are interesting. That book is dull.

11) These students are hard-working. That student is lazy.

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