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Ответ дал: exxidadaya


1.He teaches Englishinthis school.

He doesntteach Englishin this school.

Does he teach English in this school?

2.Igoto London every year.

Idont goto London every year

Dolgoto london everyyear?

3. she does her homework in the evening

She doesnt do her homeworkin the evening

Does she do her homework in the evening?

A. We watch TV every day.

We don'twatch TV every day

Dowe watch TV every day?

5. She usually gets home atthree oclock

She doesnt usualy gethome at three oclock

Does she usualy gethome atthree odlock?

s. They often buyin that shop

They dont often buyin tihat shop.

Dothey often buy in that shop?

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