Make sentences using the correct form of the Past Simple.
0 I / go / into town / with / friends yesterday.
I went into town with friends yesterday.
1 I / watch / a good film / last Tuesday
2 What time/ you / get / home last night?
3 Jack / not come / to school / yesterday.
4 Kim / meet / someone famous / on holiday
5 Who / you / see / in town last week?
6 I / not / feel well / last night.
7 My dad / study / Maths / 20 years ago.
8 What / Harry / buy / in town / on Saturday?
Допоможіть будь ласка​


Ответ дал: aleksasvishova
1. I watched a good film last Tuesday.
2. What time did you get home last night?
3. Jack did not come to school yesterday.
4. Kim met someone famous on holiday.
5. Who did you see in town last week?
6. I did not feel well last night.
7. My dad studied Maths 20 years ago.
8. What did Harry buy in town on Saturday?
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