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I (1) (meet) a man
in a pub once and he (2) (tell) me this story: a friend of his (3)
(work) on his car one morning. This friend (4) (have) a large dog.
Before he (5) (start) work, he (6) (put) the dog in the car and (7)
(close) the door. Well, he was un¬der he car, (8) (work) busily,
when suddenly he (9) (hear) mechanical noise, and the car (10)
(start) to move forward. He (11) (jump) up, but too late - the car
(12) (roll) gently down the hill, and the dog (13) (sit) at the wheel
as if it (14) (drive). Finally, it (15) (come) to rest in a
neighbour's garden.


Ответ дал: zorbing
1. met; 2. told; 3. was working; 4. had; 5. started; 6. had put; 7. had closed; 8. was working; 9. heard; 10. started; 11. jumped; 12. was rolling; 13. was sitting; 14. was driving; 15. came
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