Complete the gaps with the phrases from Task 1. 0. Visit the website and find out more information about the painter. 1. Do it now. Don't ✰✰✰ it ✰✰✰ for tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to have guests. 2. You play well, but it is not enough to win the competition. You should also ★★★ yourself. 3. Sometimes I feel bored, so I want to ★★★ a new activity. 4. Try as hard as you can. Successful people never ★★★. 5. You cannot calculate anything without a calculator. You need to ★★★calculating without calculators. 6. 1★★★ listening to my sister in the concert. It is going to be a very big moment for our family. 7. Ilham Zakiyev proved that everyone can ★★★. They just need to work hard and be happy with their success.​


Ответ дал: sinclawstock


0. Visit the website and find out more information about the painter.

1. Do it now. Don't put it off for tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to have guests.

2. You play well, but it is not enough to win the competition. You should also challenge yourself.

3. Sometimes I feel bored, so I want to explore a new activity.

4. Try as hard as you can. Successful people never give up.

5. You cannot calculate anything without a calculator. You need to practice calculating without calculators.

6. I look forward to listening to my sister in the concert. It is going to be a very big moment for our family.

7. Ilham Zakiyev proved that everyone can succeed. They just need to work hard and be happy with their success.

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