Please,help me! Exercise.
Join the beginnings and ends with so that or as long as.

He went to Switzerland
I don’t mind you singing
We moved the piano  
We took some blankets  
We’ll come back this afternoon  
We’ll play tennis 

he could learn French
 it doesn’t rain
 that’s OK with you
  there would be room for the Christmas tree
  We would be warm enough
 you do it quietly


Ответ дал: nunny
He went to Switzerland so that he could learn French
I don’t mind you singing
as long as you do it quietly
We moved the piano
so that there would be room for the Christmas tree
We took some blankets
so that We would be warm enough
We’ll come back this afternoon
as long as that’s OK with you
We’ll play tennis
as long as  it doesn’t rain
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