Rewrite these sentences, beginning While...
Пример: It was sunny, but there was a cold wind. While it was sunny there was a cold wind.

She’s very clever, but she’s got no common sense at all.
I know how you feel, but I think you’re making a mistake.
The job is well paid, but it’s deadly boring.
I’m interested in economics, but I wouldn’t want to work in a bank.
The hotel was nice, but it was a long way from the beach.

Compare because and because of, and (al) though and in spite of
She lost her job because she was ill
She lost her job because of her illness
Although/Though it was raining we went out for a walk.
In spite of the rain we went out for a walk.


Ответ дал: nunny
While she’s very clever she’s got no common sense at all.
While I know how you feel I think you’re making a mistake.
While the job is well paid it’s deadly boring.
While I’m interested in economics I wouldn’t want to work in a bank.
While the hotel was nice it was a long way from the beach.

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