6 2 ach Put the correct relative pronoun sentence to complete the sentences. Use who, into which or where. 0 A doctor is a person who helps sick people get better. 5 1 An MP3 player is a gadget_________ we listen to music on. A supermarket is a place of different things. 3 A builder is someone buildings. you can buy a lot helps to make 4 A cooker is something __________ people use to make food with. London is a city__________ more than eight million people live. 6 Michael Jackson was a very famous singer made a lot of very popular songs. 7 Can you tell me the name of the gadget Alexander Graham Bell invented? 8 The television and the computer are two examples of technology world. changed the 9 What's the name of the three men Apple computers - can you remember? started 10 I always forget the name of the town — my grandparents were born. 11​



Ответ дал: alihaciyev551


1) which.

2) that.

3) where.

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