Give one word. 1 a sea animal that lives around the shores 2 to look for and kill an animal, usually for food 3 without any other people 4 a small, simple house 5 to send out air (pt) 6 the things you need to have with you to live, such as food 7 sudden very bad weather with strong winds and rain 8 something built out of wood or metal around a piece of land, for example to stop animals from getting in
Underline the correct word in brackets. 1 You should take a (fishing line shelter first aid kit) with you on your trip in case someone gets hurt 2 There's a hole in the (whistle fence penknife) and all the animals have escaped. 3 I forgot to bring my (fishing line water bottle rope). How am I going to catch the fish? 4 Beth used the (matches needle and thread whistle) to light the fire. 5 I am (meeting hearing buying) John at a restaurant in town. 6 There is a storm coming in from the west. We have to look for (shelter wall rope). 7 You have to bring some (supplies sails survivors) on your trip into the mountains. 8 The (storms shelters survivors) of the shipwreck lived on the deserted island for three years.
Supply the missing letters. 1 I'm not very good at doing sms. Can you give me som help with my homework? 2 Oh no! I think I brok the fish ng lne. 3 The men are c tting don the trees in the forest. 4 I think it is wrong to hunt baby sals. 5. The old man lives alo einaht. 6 If you get lost blow this w istle and light a fire with the matchs. 7 I will use an edle and thre d to repair the dress. 8 Don't play with that pen nife. It's dangerous.​


Ответ дал: lysiukalla23



1. shore

2. hunt

3. solitary

4. shelter

5. deflate

6. supplies

7. squall

8. fence

**Underline the correct word:**

1. You should take a **first aid kit** with you on your trip in case someone gets hurt.

2. There's a hole in the **fence** and all the animals have escaped.

3. I forgot to bring my **fishing line**. How am I going to catch the fish?

4. Beth used the **matches** to light the fire.

5. I am **meeting** John at a restaurant in town.

6. There is a storm coming in from the west. We have to look for **shelter**.

7. You have to bring some **supplies** on your trip into the mountains.

8. The **survivors** of the shipwreck lived on the deserted island for three years.

**Supply the missing letters:**

1. I'm not very good at doing **SMS**. Can you give me some help with my homework?

2. Oh no! I think I broke the **fishing line**.

3. The men are cutting down the trees in the forest.

4. I think it is wrong to hunt baby seals.

5. The old man lives alone in a hut.

6. If you get lost, blow this **whistle** and light a fire with the **matches**.

7. I will use a **needle** and **thread** to repair the dress.

8. Don't play with that **penknife**. It's dangerous.

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