

Ответ дал: 02artem388

1. The teacher is not very lenient.

2. We did not like the movie very much.

3. They did not receive the reply on Tuesday.

4. He is not wearing a cotton shirt.

5. We did not finish the work on time.

6. There were not many sandwiches on the plate.

7. She did not remember the name of the song.

8. Spring is not always a pleasant season.

9. That store does not sell inexpensive clothes.

10. I did not notice the traffic sign.

11. It was not very warm yesterday.

12. They do not take a short trip every summer.

13. They are not listening to the radio now.

14. He did not turn around quickly.

15. We never do the dishes after dinner.

16. I was not very busy then.

17. They were not very pleased.

18. She was late.

19. That is not very good.

20. It is not very hot now.

21. It was difficult.

22. She did not come back yesterday.

23. There is no man here.

24. He was not right.

25. I am not ready now.

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