Speaking Task 4. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and make a dialogue with a partner. Give own points of view on topics, ask questions to clarify the answers and get the needed information, explain and justify your positions and answer your partner's questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk, Card 1. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our Health. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you go in for sports? 2) What kind of sport do you do? 3) How often do you go in for sport? 4) Are you a member of a gym? 5) What can you advise for people to stay healthy? Card 2. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our Health'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you sleep well? 2) How many hours of sleep do you usually get? 3) What do you do, if you can't get to sleep? 4) Have you ever drunk milk to get to sleep? 5) What do you do in order to sleep well? Card 3. Discuss with your partner the topic 'Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Have you ever been in any foreign country? 2) Where have you been? 3) Are you planning to go anywhere for your next vacation? 4) If so, where and who with? 5) How long will you stay? Card 4. Discuss with your partner the topic Holidays and Travel'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) What festival is the most exciting in your country? 2) When is the festival celebrated? 3) Why is this festival celebrated? Total [6] 4) Does your family celebrate this festival? 5) Are there special foods connected with the festival?


Ответ дал: seper3681


Card 2: Discuss with your partner the topic 'Our Health.' Here's a sample dialogue:

**Speaker 1:** Hi! How are you today?

**Speaker 2:** I'm good, thanks. How about you?

**Speaker 1:** I'm doing well. So, let's talk about our health. Do you sleep well?

**Speaker 2:** Yeah, usually. I try to get around 7 hours of sleep. How about you?

**Speaker 1:** I aim for 8 hours. It makes a big difference for me. What do you do if you can't get to sleep?

**Speaker 2:** I usually read a book or listen to calming music. How about you?

**Speaker 1:** I find that a warm cup of herbal tea helps. Have you ever tried drinking milk to get to sleep?

**Speaker 2:** Yeah, I've heard about it, but I haven't tried it. Does it work for you?

**Speaker 1:** Sometimes. I think everyone has their own tricks. What do you generally do to ensure a good night's sleep?

**Speaker 2:** I avoid screens before bedtime and make sure my room is dark and quiet. How about you?

**Speaker 1:** I do the same. Also, I try to establish a regular sleep schedule. It seems to help.

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