FRIENDSHIP Write an article telling us how important it is for friends to have similar characters. Do you think it's better to have lots of friends or just one best friend? Why?
150 слов​


Ответ дал: freddydake

Friendship is a crucial aspect of our lives, and having friends with similar characters can significantly contribute to the strength of those relationships. Shared values, interests, and perspectives create a strong foundation for understanding and mutual support. When friends have similar characters, they are more likely to relate to each other's experiences, making communication smoother and enhancing the overall quality of the friendship.

While having lots of friends can offer diversity and a broad social circle, having one best friend can be equally fulfilling, if not more so. A best friend understands you on a deeper level, providing a sense of security and a confidant for life's ups and downs. Quality often outweighs quantity in friendships, as a deep connection fosters trust, loyalty, and genuine companionship.

In conclusion, whether it's better to have lots of friends or just one best friend depends on personal preferences. However, fostering friendships with similar characters is essential for creating meaningful and lasting connections. Quality friendships enrich our lives, offering support, joy, and a sense of belonging.

Ответ дал: Lakimos


I think best friend 1 is better why? because he is loyal and will always help you in a bad situation 2 if you ask him for help he will always help you and 3 he will always listen to your opinion I think a best friend is better than friends who will not help you and it is not so important that friends have such the same character, but it is important that he has a good character, for example, that he does not want to spoil you or always listens to you and does not interrupt, and so on... So character is not so important but to play its role in friendship!

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