A. Match the past simple Wh questions with the answers. 1. Who did you see at the party last night? a. A sandwich 2. What did you have for lunch yesterday? b. At midnight. 3. Which cake did you choose? c. To ask you a question. 4. Where did you go for dinner last night? ...... d. The chocolate one. 5. When did you get home? 6. Why did you call me? f. To that new Italian restaurant. B. Complete the sentences using the question words from Exercise A. 1. We use 2. We use 3. We use 4. We use 5. We use 1. 2. for reasons. 3. for objects or things. when there is a choice between objects or things. for times. 6. We use C. Complete the past simple questions with the correct question words. one did you choose? did you go to bed? did you sit next to? did you go home early? did you do last night? did you go on Monday night? for places and locations. for people. 4. e. Juan and Maria. 5. 6.​



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