called maty the nd A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. article lucky enter choose headline announce 1. Samat has something to 2.1 read an interesting 3. Albert was very mobile. 4.I want to 5. Check out the Wins Cup!' 6. I want to go to bed. I 7. A: Which film do you want to watch? B: Oh, I can't 8. A: Look. I won an MP4 player. B: You're so feel sad Let's listen. in the newspaper yesterday. yesterday because he lost his this skiing competition. I think I can win. in the sports newspaper. 'Barcelona very tired. I like both films. complete the sentences.​



Ответ дал: coklagrisa


1. announce

2. article

3. sad

4. enter

5. headline

6. feel

7. choose

8. lucky

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