B. Use the nouns given to form adjectives and complete the sentences. 1. It is not to drink a lot of soft HEALTH drinks every day. 2. Marat Bisengaliev is a 3. I watched a violin player. film yesterday. 4. Iliyas fell out of a tree and broke his leg last week. It was very. 5. Dennis and his friends have climbed three mountains. They are very 6. A wolf can be a animal. 7. The shop assistants in the new clothes shop are quite 8. You are very FAME FUN PAIN ADVENTURE DANGER HELP today, kids. Please, be quiet. NOISE сочно надо!!!​



Ответ дал: khallitovaa
1. It is not **healthy** to drink a lot of soft drinks every day.
2. Marat Bisengaliev is a **talented** violin player.
3. I watched a **captivating** film yesterday.
4. Iliyas fell out of a tree and broke his leg last week. It was very **painful**.
5. Dennis and his friends have climbed three mountains. They are very **adventurous**.
6. A wolf can be a **dangerous** animal.
7. The shop assistants in the new clothes shop are quite **helpful**.
8. You are very **noisy** today, kids. Please, be quiet.

kkakaata6: огромное спасибо
kkakaata6: fun , fame не правильно должно быть funny , famous
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