D. Complete with the correct form of there is/are.
What's your new house like?
Phoebe Oh it's fantastic (1)
room downstairs and a big kitchen too.
How many bedrooms are there?
Phoebe (2)
Janice Four? Wow! (3)
bathrooms too?
Phoebe No. (4)
a garden?
Janice What about a garden? (6)
Phoebe Yes, (7)
Janice (8)
Phoebe No. (
a huge living
four bedrooms.
Read and answer the questions.
four bathrooms.
It's a beautiful
a swimming pool in it?


Ответ дал: chirusha2020


корона будет??????


D. Complete with the correct form of there is/are.

What's your new house like?

Janice: Oh, it's fantastic (1). There is a room downstairs and a big kitchen too.

Phoebe: How many bedrooms are there?

Janice: Four? Wow! (3) Are there four bathrooms too?

Phoebe: No. (4) There are three.

Janice: What about a garden? (6)

Phoebe: Yes, (7) there is a garden.

Janice: (8) Is there a swimming pool in it?

Phoebe: No. (9) There isn't a swimming pool.

Read and answer the questions.

Phoebe's new house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms. It also has a room downstairs and a big kitchen. There is a garden, but there is no swimming pool.

Note: The missing responses (2) and (5) were not provided, so I cannot complete those parts.

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