помогите,пожалуйста,нужно задать 10 вопросов к тексту,очень нужно.



Ответ дал: Iri1
1 - What type of economy does the Great Britain have?
2 - What is GNP?
3 - What does government policies include nowdays?
4 - What does the government control?
5 - How much percent of the GNP does agriculture account for?
6 - Is the United Kingdom agriculturaly self-sufficient?
7 - How much persent of the GNP does the mineral industry account for?
8 - When was the single graduated income tax introduced?
9 - What are the chief imports of Great Britain?
10 - How much of the total population is in the labour force in Great Brotain?

aaafrye: спасибо большое:-)
Iri1: :) не за что
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