Fill each gap to form a new compound adjective. Use a dictionary if necessary. Make up 5 sentences of your own using the words from the task.


____________ -free



____________ -headed



____________ -hearted



____________ -made








Open the brackets using past tenses.

1. She _______ (sit) on the chair and watching TV from 5 to 7 p.m.

2. Brown _______ (have) a shower when I knocked on his door.

3. Her parents ________ (dance) at the ball when the burglar broke into their house.

4. My sisters ___________ (go) to the cinema yesterday.

5. It ____________ (snow) when we ___________ (get) up.

6. When I ____________ (wake) up, I realized that it __________ (be) dark already.

7. ___________________ (he / lie) on the sofa at 5 o’clock yesterday?

8. Tina ___________ (live) in London when she was ten.

9. Suzy ____________ (run) to catch her bus when she suddenly ___________ (fall) down.

10. My friend ___________ (buy) a lot of souvenirs when he was in Cairo.

11. Ron ____________ (not meet) Amanda at the airport last week.

12. Kate ____________________ (dance) when she fell on the floor.

13. Sam ____________________ (write) a letter when his mother came home.

14. Liz ____________________ (clean) the room when I saw her.

15. I saw Mark this morning. He ____________________ (run) for the bus.

16. Graham _________________ (work) for the company for 15 years before he retired.

17. We ______________ (have) dinner when the lights ____________ (go) out.

18. My father ______________ (paint) the room for five hours before I ____________ (come) to help him.

19. I got up at 7 and then I _______ (have) a big breakfast.

20. We ______________ (never / see) such big waterfalls until our trip to Mexico in 2004.

21. I ___________ (see) George yesterday when he ___________ (cross) the street.

22. Yesterday at 10.15, I ___________ (sit) in the garden and ___________ (drink) green tea.

23. Why _____________ (you / not / sleep) when I ___________ (return) home last night?

24. I _____________ (meet) my cousin last month when we ___________ (visit) my aunt.

25. By the time Sam _________ (get) to the cinema, the film _____________ (already / start).

26. Den and I _______________ (study) for the History exam when we ____________ (hear) a noise outside.

27. Before we ____________ (buy) this house, we _______________ (look) for a good one for a year and a half.

28. When I __________ (leave) the office, the phone _________ (ring).

29. We _______________ (wait) for the show to start for more than an hour before the singer _______________ (appear) on the stage.

30. When _______________ (they / visit) you last time?

Пожалуйста, сделайте честно, отмечу как лучший ответ!


Ответ дал: robertahmatdinov65


**Fill each gap to form a new compound adjective:**

1. __Stress-free__

2. __Child-free__

3. __Water-resistant__

4. __Level-headed__

5. __Open-hearted__

6. __Home-made__


1. She enjoyed a __stress-free__ vacation by the beach.

2. The conference room was a __child-free__ zone to ensure a focused discussion.

3. The __water-resistant__ jacket kept him dry during the sudden rain.

4. Sarah remained __level-headed__ during the crisis, providing calm and rational solutions.

5. Their __open-hearted__ generosity touched everyone at the charity event.

**Open the brackets using past tenses:**

1. She **sat** on the chair and watched TV from 5 to 7 p.m.

2. Brown **was having** a shower when I knocked on his door.

3. Her parents **were dancing** at the ball when the burglar broke into their house.

4. My sisters **went** to the cinema yesterday.

5. It **was snowing** when we **got** up.

6. When I **woke** up, I realized that it **was** dark already.

7. **Was he lying** on the sofa at 5 o’clock yesterday?

8. Tina **lived** in London when she was ten.

9. Suzy **was running** to catch her bus when she suddenly **fell** down.

10. My friend **bought** a lot of souvenirs when he was in Cairo.

11. Ron **did not meet** Amanda at the airport last week.

12. Kate **was dancing** when she fell on the floor.

13. Sam **was writing** a letter when his mother came home.

14. Liz **was cleaning** the room when I saw her.

15. I saw Mark this morning. He **was running** for the bus.

16. Graham **had worked** for the company for 15 years before he retired.

17. We **were having** dinner when the lights **went** out.

18. My father **had been painting** the room for five hours before I **came** to help him.

19. I got up at 7, and then I **had** a big breakfast.

20. We **had never seen** such big waterfalls until our trip to Mexico in 2004.

21. I **saw** George yesterday when he **was crossing** the street.

22. Yesterday at 10:15, I **was sitting** in the garden and **drinking** green tea.

23. Why **weren't you sleeping** when I **returned** home last night?

24. I **met** my cousin last month when we **visited** my aunt.

25. By the time Sam **got** to the cinema, the film **had already started**.

26. Den and I **were studying** for the History exam when we **heard** a noise outside.

27. Before we **bought** this house, we **had been looking** for a good one for a year and a half.

28. When I **left** the office, the phone **rang**.

29. We **had been waiting** for the show to start for more than an hour before the singer **appeared** on the stage.

30. When **did they visit** you last time?

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