2 1.30 Complete the text with the correct form of the present continuous. Use the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. DX Hi Jon, (use) **** I'm writing (write) this at lunchtime. I ¹ a school computer. I've got two sisters, Asil and (study) Spanish at university. She Diana. Asil 3 ....(not live) at home at the moment because she s (spend) six months in Spain. My dad's a mum's a receptionist, but they businessman and my a.... (not work) this week because they Asil! Diana and I have school so we 8 our grandparents. My parents .... (have) a good time and we (get) excited about (visit) .. (stay) with 10 our presents from Spain. Oh! I ".... (go) now because our Maths class 12 (start) and I'm late! Write soon, Roman​


Ответ дал: jblgeadrius

Hi Jon, I'm writing this at lunchtime. I am using a school computer. I've got two sisters, Asil and Diana. Asil is studying Spanish at university. She is not living at home at the moment because she is spending six months in Spain. My dad's a businessman and my mom's a receptionist, but they are not working this week because they are visiting Asil! Diana and I have school, so we are staying with our grandparents. My parents are having a good time, and we are getting excited about our visit and our presents from Spain. Oh! I am going now because our Maths class is starting and I'm late! Write soon, Roman.

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